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Expat applications

Importing an expat can have bureaucratical complications. We guarantee the entire application process runs smoothly


For an employee to be able to start a new job various conditions must be met. You must apply for a residence and work permit, as well as health insurance


It is also possible to request a discount from the income tax base if certain conditions are met


We take care of the entire application process





Modern Kitchen

We work closely with Alma real estate service


We help your expat finding the right property and try to have 2-3 properties as an option


We advise regarding rental prices and always work with the interests of the expat in the foreground


We make information packages about the rental market, licenses, discount systems that are available, regulations and the general environment of tenants


We find the property that suits you






Job interview

Icelandic society rather assumes that both parties work outside the home


Research has shown that an expat spouse who is out of work has a harder time adjusting and feels socially isolated


We assist in getting the spouses in touch with the right people, help with resumes, reviews, and applications


We help the spouse finding a job


Moving House

Eimskip transportation company is our freighter partner.


Moving household is costly and complicated. We provide advice on how best to handle transport and work closely with the expat in planning and implementation.


We supervise all communications regarding the shipment and seek the best price.


We assist with transportation arrangements. 


Quality Time

We form a personal connection with your expat so we can ensure as an effortless transfer and adaptation to new situations.


The expat should be able to concentrate on his new job at the same time as he knows that his family is getting on well.


The social connections that expats have in their home country fade and call for the formation of new connections in a new country.


The most common obstacle to integration is to overcome cultural differences.


We have mapped out the best ways.  


                                                                                         © Xpat Relocation Services | Hlíðarsmara 19, 201 Kópavogur | | 852 7173


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